viết đoạn văn tiếng anh về lễ hội ở Việt Nam

2 câu trả lời

Học tốt. ^^

Tet is a traditional festival in Viet Nam. It ocurs around the begining of February and ending of January. The meaning of Tet is ending an old year and welcome a new year. Tet holiday is very special for VietNamese people to reunite. At that time, all family's members try to come back their homes and get together to prepare for Tet. They will buy new clothes and clean their house. Peach blossom in the Northen and Mai tree in the Southen of Viet Nam. It can't be absent from every house in Viet Nam, especial in Tet. They bring Tet atmosphere to the house. People decorate ancestral altar with a tray of fruits and flowers. In Tet, there are many traditional food such as dry fruits, sticky rice, jellied meat, lean pork paste,... A special food can't be absent is sticky rice cake or call Banh chung. Tet meal is more delicious than everyday.