viết 1 đoạn văn về sự so sánh từ 5 năm trước đây đến hiện tại gồm 10 câu.

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Life has changed a lot from the past to this modern time. Five years ago, there were few schools, hospitals, health facilities, and education, buildings. Besides, life was a hardship and it lacked of lots of things. There were fewer job opportunities, too. However, modern life brings us a lot of advantages. There are a lot of schools, hospitals, health facilities, and education, buildings so more students are able to go to school and people also live longer. In addition, life is getting more and more convenient as people can earn a lot of money. Thanks to the development of technology, everything is done more easily than before. A 5-year ago life was more peaceful than that today because there were fewer vehicles on the streets. These days, each person tends to have his or her own car or motorbike; therefore, the streets are becoming more crowded and the air is getting more polluted, too.