Viết 1 đoạn văn nói về lễ hội vua Hùng (tiếng Anh)

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Vietnam has many festivals occurring around the year, one of which is Hung King Temple Festival. It is a national festival that honors Hung Kings who were instrumental in the founding of the nation. The festival is held annually from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month. The Hung King Temple Festival is one of the most important and sacred festivals of the Vietnamese people, deeply imbedded in the minds of every Vietnamese citizen, regardless of where they originated from. Therefore, every year, on this traditional occasion, Vietnamese people worldwide join their brothers and sisters in spirit to observe Vietnam National Day in commemoration of their ancestors. In Hung Temple Festival, there are a wide range of folk games such as bamboo swings, rice cooking competitions. Coming to the festival, people will get to know more about the traditional spirit of Vietnam.