Viết 1 bài văn bằng tiếng anh nối về hoạt động tổ chức làm đồ thủ công cho trẻ em nghèo

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My class is going to make some hand-made crafts for street children in our neighbourhood to raise fund for them. Our head teacher takes main responsibity for guiding us to do beautiful and lovely things from recycled bottles, glass and wasted paper. Every weekend (on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings) we will gather at our teacher's house and bring any recyced things we have. Then, we will make beautiful decorations such as: paper lamps, glass vases, plastic bookshelves,... After that, we will sell these things at the local market. All the money collected we will buy clothes and necessities for the poor children. I really hope that this small action can help them have a better life and bring them fun.