V. Change the active into the passive with the simple future. 1. Bill will invite Ann to the party. - Ann 2. They will send you the money at the end of the month. - You 3. is given that lecture by JacksonThat company will publish a textbook next year. - A textbook 4. They will probably send him back to Britain. - He 5. I’ll meet her at the airport. - She VI. Change the active into the passive with the near future. 1. The teacher is going to tell a story. A story 2. Is she going to write a poem? Is a poem ? 3. They are going to build a supermarket next year. - A supermarket 4. The teacher is going to explain the lesson. - The lesson 5. They are going to finish a new school in the village next year. - A new school 6. Who is going to feed the babies? - By whom EXERCISES

1 câu trả lời


1/ Ann will be invited to the party by Bill.

2/ You will be sent the money at the end of the month.

3/ A textbook will be published by that company next year.

4/ He will be probably sent back to Britain.

5/ She will be met at the airport.


1/ A story is going to be told by the teacher.

2/ Is a poem going to be written?

3/ A supermarket is going to be built next year.

4/ The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher.

5/ A new school is going to be finished next year.

6/ By whom are the babies going to be fed ?

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