Turn into Passive Voice 1. She makes good cakes. 2. My friend mailed that letter. 3. They are washing the dishes. 4. The shoe – repairman was mending my shoes. 5. John has finished the work. 6. They had cleaned the floor when I arrived. 7. Somebody must post this letter. 8. They will forget this exercise in a few years’ time.

1 câu trả lời

1. Good cakes are made by her.

2. That letter was mailed by my friend.

3. The dishes are being washed by them.

4. My shoes were being mended.

5. The work has been finished by John.

6. The floor had been cleaned by them when I arrived.

7. This letter must be posted.

8. This exercise will be forgoten in a few years' time.

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