trong các từ :Stay up late:drink coffe,do morning exrcises regularly;take a hot bath;go to bed early;eat a lot of fruits and vegetables;take some aspirins;see the doctor;drink hot water; brush your teeth twice a day;eat health foods;keep your nails short and clean;wash your hand before having meals;see the dentist;eat many candies ; drink cold water;eat too much nên và ko nên làm gì khi bị cảm , ho

2 câu trả lời

nên: do morning exrcises regularly, take a hot bath,go to bed early, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables,see the doctor, drink hot water,brush your teeth twice a day,eat health foods,keep your nails short and clean, wash your hand before having meals, eat too much

không nên : còn lại

Should (nên): do morning exrcises regularly, take a hot bath, go to bed early, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, take some aspirins, see the doctor, drink hot water, brush your teeth twice a day, eat health foods, keep your nails short and clean, wash your hand before having meals, see the dentist.

Shouldn't (không nên): stay up late, drink coffee, eat many candies, drink cold water, eat too much.

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