Topic 1: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind. (Nói về những thuận lợi và khó khăn của vườn thú kiểu mới.) Topic 2: Talk about the new coronavirus outbread (2019-nCoV) and protective measures against it. (Nói về luồng coronavirus mới (2019-nCoV) và các biện pháp bảo vệ chống lại nó.) Topic 3: According to you, why do people think music is important? (Theo bạn, tại sao mọi người lại cho rằng âm nhạc là quan trọng?) Topic 4: Is there any difference in music liked by different age groups? (Có sự khác biệt nào về âm nhạc mà các nhóm tuổi khác nhau yêu thích không?) Topic 5: Talk about one of the most famous historical places you like best. (Nói về một trong những địa điểm lịch sử nổi tiếng mà bạn thích nhất.) Chọn 1 trong 5 topic làm giúp mình vs mình thi speaking 7 - 10 phút nha

1 câu trả lời

Topic 5: Talk about one of the most famous historical places you like best. (Nói về một trong những địa điểm lịch sử nổi tiếng mà bạn thích nhất.)

This cue card instantly reminds me of a mountainous city names Da Lat, my all-time favorite city that I have visited and will always willing to revisit again. It is located in the southern parts of the Central Highlands region in Vietnam. It is a famous tourist destination, offering lots and lots of hidden gems which give you a whale of a time exploring the city.

It’s not very difficult to travel to Da Lat. From Saigon, you can drive there yourself or going by bus, it will take approximately 8 hours to get there. If you’re not patient or is someone who’s not fond of driving, you can fly to Bao Loc then catch an 1-hour-drive bus to get to Da Lat. It is becoming easier and easier to travel to Da Lat with all the new and upgraded road. However, during the raining season, it can get very dangerous.

There are so many activities which can cater any needs of tourists. If you are into shopping, there are lots of shops and merchants in the central market of the city. If you look for tranquility, there are roads and corners and beautiful pavement café for you to get around enjoy the quietness. And if you you love adventure, there are hiking trails and mountains for you too.

I have always been a mountain guy so I am in love with this city mostly because of its weather and the landscape. There is nothing more satisfying than waking up in the morning and see the view of mountain range and the birds chirping. Its slow pace of life is also the reason for me to love the city so much.

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