Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại 44. Contaminated water can cause of many types of diarheal diseases, including cholera . 45. Could you meet us at the airport tomorrow afternoon? Our flight will land at 4 o'clock. 46. The English language has approximate 400 million native speakers worldwide. 47. The United States of American is the world's third largest country in size. 48. Scottish kilts were traditionally wore as full length garments by Gaelic-speaking male. 49. I find it's difficult to understand some of my Scottish friends because of their accent. 50. Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacle waterfalls in the world 51. By the time the rescue team had arrived, they'd drifted at sea for three days. 52. If I were you, I will not go skiing in such weather conditions 53. Search teams were unable to reach some areas because of roads were blocked by lots of 54. One of my friends calling me very late last night. was calling 55. Yesterday is a bad day for me 56. The Wilson built a new house in Washington DC this year.

1 câu trả lời

44. of - 0

45. will land - lands

46. approximate - approximately

47. American - America

48. wore - worn

49. it's - it

50. spectacle - spectacular

51. had arrived - arrived

52. will - would

53. of - 0

54. calling - called

55. is - was

56. wilson - wilsons

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