The last time they had dinner at that restaurant was five months ago -> They haven't ________________________________________ The last time I wrote to Mary was seven years ago -> I haven't ___________________________________________ The last time I played football was in 1970 . -> I haven't ____________________________________________ When did you start learning English . -> How long ____________________________________________ When did you first meet the woman ? -> How long ____________________________________________ When did you first know that teacher ? -> How long When did you see that film ? -> How long _____________________________________________ My father hasn't seen my uncle for nearly 20 years -> It's _________________________ Chirstmas was the last time we had a party -> We They hasn't visited Peter since last year -> He didn't It is three years since I last saw them -> I haven't _________________________

1 câu trả lời

`1.`They haven't had dinner at the restaurant for five months.

`2.`I haven't written to Mary for seven years.

`3.`I haven't played football since 1970.

`4.`How long have you learnt English ?

`5.`How long have you met him ?

`6.`How long have you known that teacher ?

`@`Form :

`a)` S + last + V2/ed + time ( thời gian trong quá khứ )

`=`S + have/has not + Vpp + since/for + time

`=`It’s + time + since + S ( last ) + V2/ed

`=`The last time + S + V2/ed + was + time

`b)` When + did + S + V bare ?

`=`How long + have/has + S + Vpp ?