THE FIRST COFFEE SHOPS There is some (1) ....................................... evidence to suggest that coffee was cultivated in Africa in the tenth century, but drinking coffee didn’t become (2) ....................................... in Europe until the mid- seventeenth century, with many visitors to London claiming that going to a coffee shop was one of the great (3) ....................................... of life. People paid an (4) ....................................... charge of one penny to enter a coffee shop, to enjoy the supposedly (5) ....................................... effects of the drink. Doctors at the time believed it could cure several diseases, and many drinkers reported that coffee made them more (6) ....................................... and improved their mood. (7) ....................................... a visit to a coffee shop had a serious purpose too, as people started to meet there to discuss politics and new ideas. Good behavior was essential and if you were (8) ....................................... you could be thrown out of a shop. However, coffee shops in Europe declined in popularity in the late eighteenth century due to the greater (9) ........................ of tea, a drink that was easier to make than coffee. HISTORY FASHION PLEASE ADMIT BENEFIT ENERGY INCREASE POLITE CONSUME

2 câu trả lời

1, historical

2, fashionable

3, pleasure

4, admittable

5, beneficial

6, energetic

7, Increasingly

8, impolite

9, consumption

1. historical

2. fashionable

3. pleasure

4. admittable

5. beneficial

6. energetic

7. Increasingly

8. impolite

9. consumption

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