The Earth Day comes from the idea of a former US politician Gaylord Nelson. He was worried about the world pollution, and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that the world should have a special day to teach people about how to make environment better. His idea became popular and on 22 April 1970 the first Earth Day was celebrated. Since then, environmentalists have used the day to educate people about their roles in protecting our planet. Earth Day finally became a global celebration around the world. On this day, people come together to talk about global warming, protecting rare animals and saving energy sources. Question 21: The best title for the passage can be ______. A: The celebration of Earth Day B: Gaylord Nelson, the politician C: The meaning of the Earth Day D: Preserving our energy sources

2 câu trả lời

C: The meaning of the Earth Day.

 =>   Ý nghĩa của ngày trái đất .                                 

                                (Chúc bạn học tốt!)

C.The meaning of the Earth day(Ý nghĩa của ngày trái đất)

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