Task 8. Put “Be” in the correct form of the past in the following sentences. 1. I ____________ very tired yesterday night. 2. They ____________ at the cinema. 3. She ____________ angry with her pupils. 4. My mum ____________ at hospital last week; 5. The shops ____________ open last Sunday. 6. You ____________ at home yesterday, where ____________you? 7. ____________ all your friends at your birthday party? 8. My sister ____________ well last Saturday, so she stayed at home and didn’t come with us. 9. The girls ____________ at the mall to do some shopping. 10. He ____________ afraid to miss his bus, so he ____________ in a hurry yesterday after school. 11. Why ____________ you in the Head’s office this morning? 12.Linda ____________ at home yesterday. 13.____________ that man here last night 14.Those boys ____________ absent from class last week. 15.Mrs Toan ____________ ill 3 days ago. Task 10. Put the verbs in brackets in the negative forms of the past simple. NEGATIVE DIDN’t + INFINITIVE of the ver 1. John __________________ (not/ get) his test back yesterday. 2. We __________________ (not /bring) our packed lunches! 3. The neighbours _______________ (not/ wake) on time for their train! 4. My Dad ___________ (not / win) his tennis tournament last weekend. 5. Steve _____________ (not/ buy) any flowers for Valentine’s day! 6. My brother ______________ (not/ write) the report for his boss. 7. The nurse __________________ (not /hurt) my brother when she made his bandage. 8. We __________________ (not/see) our neighbours this morning. 9. She __________________ (not/understand) why I was crying! 10.They __________________ (not/ send) their grandchildren their holiday photos. 11. We _____________ (not/ finish) the gardening because of the rain. 12.My friends ___________ (not/ lose) their rugby match last Saturday. Task 11.Use the interrogative form of the past simple Interrogative did +subject+ infinitive of the verb 1. __________________ (Ken/ feel) better this morning? 2. __________________ (Kate/ learn) her history lesson? 3. __________________ (the children /see) their grandparents? 4. __________________ (your mother/find) a new job? 5. __________________ (your friend / speak) to you about the meeting? 6. __________________ (the neighbours/pay) their house rent? 7. __________________ (John) / catch) his train to go to Paris? 8. __________________ (the water/ freeze) in the pipes because of the co 9. __________________ (Jane/read) the play for the literature lesson? 10.__________________ (your mother/ tell) you about the accident? 11. __________________ (Max/ get) all his money back after the robbery? 12.__________________ (the dog /hide) some bones in the garden?

2 câu trả lời

Task 8:

1. was

2. are


4. was

5. were

6. weren't - were

7. were

8. was

9. were

10. was - was

11. weren't

12. was

13. was

14. weren

15. was

Task 10:

1. didn't get

2. didn't bring

3. didn't wake

4. didn't win

5. didn't buy

6. didn't write

7. didn't hurt

8. didn't see

9. didn't understanf

10. didn't send

11. didn't finish

12. didn't lose

Task 11:

1. did Ken feel

2. Did Kate learn

3. did the children see

4. did your mother find

5. did your friend speak

6. did the neighbours pay

7. did John catch

8. did the water freeze

9. did Jane read

10. did your mother tell

11. did Max get

  Đáp án 

Task 8:

1. was                                       

2. are                              


4. was

5. were

7. were

8. was

9. were

8. was

9. were

10. was - was

11. weren't

12. was

13. was

14. weren

15. was

Task 10:

1. didn't get

2. didn't bring

3. didn't wake

4. didn't win

5. didn't buy

6. didn't write

7. didn't hurt

8. didn't see

9. didn't understanf

10. didn't send

11. didn't finish

12. didn't lose

Task 11:

1. did Ken feel

2. Did Kate learn

3. did the children see

4. did your mother find

5. did your friend speak

6. did the neighbours pay

7. did John catch

8. did the water freeze

9. did Jane read

10. did your mother tell

11. did Max get

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