Talk about what you dislike about life in the countryside

2 câu trả lời

The city is very busy but the countryside is extremely quiet. The countryside maybe has a lot of trees so, of course, the countryside is more "green life" than the city. But there are some disadvantages in the countryside that I dislike. Firstly, some countryside doesn't have the Internet. That would be a disadvantage for a city person. Secondly, it may be a fear for a person who is terrified of the ghosts because from the past to present, there had been a lot of ghost stories have set in the countryside. Last but not least, it will be extremely dark in the evening so we can't do anything without a flashlight or lights.

Although I like to live in the countryside, but I cannot deny it also has its flaws. In rural areas, life often does not have modern technology, information is very difficult. Walking is also obstructed by many elements, for example the road is often very bumpy, making it difficult to walk. Learning in rural areas is not paid much attention, parents often send their children to learn vocational training and farming.