Supply the correct verb forms in the following sentences 1.Gravity keeps the moon (travel) ………………………..around the earth instead of (shoot) ………………………off into space. 2.It’s difficult (get) …………………used to (eat) …………………with chopsticks. 3.It wouldn’t be safe now, we’ll have (wait) …………………..until the rain stops. 4.I used (smoke) ……………………..40 cigarettes a day. 5.I’d like (have) …………………a look at your new car. 6.I’m looking forward to (see) ……………………you. 7.He warned her (not touch) ………………………….the wire. 8.Would you mind (show) ………………… how (work) …………………..the lift? 9.If you go on (let) …………………the dog (run) ………………….after cars, he’ll end by (be) …………… over. 10.Do stop (talk) ………………………., I’m trying (finish) …………………a letter. 11.Ask him (come) …………………….in. Don’t keep him (stand) ……………………at the door. 12.There are people who can’t help (laugh) ……………………….when they see someone (slip) ………………………on a banana skin. 13.I’m sorry (disappoint) ………………… 14.He was made (sign)………………………a paper admitting his guilt. 15.He told me (try) ………………...(come) ………………….early.

2 câu trả lời

1. traveling (keep + Ving) / shooting

2. to get / eating (get/be used to Ving: quen làm gì)

3. to wait

4. to smoke (used to V: từng làm gì)

5. to have

6. seeing (look forward to Ving: ngóng chờ làm gì)

7. not to touch

8. showing / to work

9. letting (go on = continue + ving) / run / being

10. talking (stop Ving: dừng làm gì) / to finish

11. to come / standing

12. laughing (can't help Ving: không thể không) / slip

13. to disappoint

14. to sign (make to V: bị bắt làm gì)

15. to try to come


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