Stress in words ending in –ee and –ese Các từ kết thúc bằng –ese và –ee , trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết cuối. B. Exercises I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1. A. engineer B. refugee C. trainee D. guarantee 2. A. Japanese B. Vietnamese C. Chinese D. Portuguese 3. A. kangaroo B. committee C. official D. iconic 4. A. interviewee B. interviewer C. wonderful D. icon 5. A. disagree B. degree C. trainee D. obese 6. A. guarantee B. Japanese C. interviewee D. Vietnamese II. Choose the best answer. 7. New Zealand is famous for its …………………beauty. A. nature B. natural C. native D. naturally 8. The city has an atmosphere which is quite ………………You never feel like that in other places. A. important B. normal C. unique D. common 9. Big Ben is a major monument in London which ………..the UK. A. symbolise B. symbolization C. symbol D. symbolizes 10. ………………are native speakers of English because they use it as their mother tongue. A. Australia B. Australians C. Australian D. Australias 11. The people who live in Wales are called the ……………… A. Wales B. Wale C. Welsh D. Welshs 12. The dove is a universal ………………….of peace. A. symbolizing B. symbolize C. symbolic D. symbol 13. The Berlin wall was the …………..of the Cold War. A. symbolize B. symbol C. symbolic D. symbols 14. The garden looked dark and ……………….in the sunset. A. mystery B. mysteries C. mysterious D. mysteriousness 15. In recent years, ………….has developed quite rapidly. A. Japanese B. Japan C. Japanic D. Japans 16. The castle is surrounded by ……….gardens. A. spacious B. space C. spaces D. spaciously 17. Tom is a tall boy with a Canadian ………………. A. accents B. speaker C. speaking D. accent 18. I really want to learn the ……………..of Viet Nam. A. historic B. historical C. history D. histories 19. I love your performance. It’s really …………………. A. spectacle B. spectacular C. spectacles D. spectacularly 20. Viet Nam has a lot of …………….. A. festive B. festively C. festivals D. festival

2 câu trả lời


2 A

3 C

4 A

5 D

6 C



8 C

9 D

10 C

11 C

12 D

13 B


15 B

16 A

17 D

18 C

19 B

2'0 C

1. C

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. B

11. C

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. C

19. B
