Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning, using the word given 93 The English speaking countries exhibition finishes at 8p.m. (end) 94 How long is the presentation? (last) 95 The photo session takes place in the library. (host) 96 What time does the HN302 leave? (departure) 97 A kilt is the traditional garment for Scottish men. (traditionally)

2 câu trả lời

93, The English speaking countries exhibition ends at 8p.m.

94, How long does the presentation last?

95, The photo session is hosted in the library.

96, What is the departure of the HN302?

97, A kilt is garmented traditionally for Scottish men?


93. The English speaking countries exhibition ends at 8 p.m.

94. How long does the presentation last?

95. The photo session is hosted in the library.

96. What is the departure of the HN302 ?

97. A kilt is garmented traditionally for Scottish men.

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