*Rearrange the words to make sentences 1. She/ earn/ works/ in order to/ hard/ a living. =>........................... 2. I/ early/ avoid/ go/ in order to/ to/ traffic jams./ work => ................................. 3. We/ local food./ stop/ in order to/ for a while / enjoy => ................................. 4. They/ to/ took/ waste/ the taxi/ so/ time./ as/ not => .................................. 5. his English./ in order to/ He/ to/ went/ school/ practice => .................................

2 câu trả lời

1. She works hard in order to earn a living

2. I go to work early in order to avoid traffic jams

3. We stop for a while in order to enjoy local food

4. Thet took a taxi so as not to waste time 

5. He went to school in order to practice English 

1. She works hard in order to a living

2. I go to work early in order to avoid traffic jams

3. We stop for a while in order to enjoy local food

4. They took a taxi so as not to waste time

5. He went to school in order to practice his English

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