Read the following statements about achievements in addressing gender equality in Viet Nam. Do you want to add any achievements? Tell your partner. Mấy bạn tìm những thành tựu về bình đẳng giới ở việt nam như trên né, k phải viết thành văn

2 câu trả lời

- Vietnam has fined tune its legal framework and policies on gender equality by issuing more legal documents in line with the 2006 Law on Gender Equality and the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

- Vietnam has implemented a National Strategy on Gender Equality from 2011-2020 to raise awareness, narrow the development gap, and promote women’s status. It has carried out regional and global initiatives to promote and protect women’s rights and fight gender discrimination.

- Vietnamese women account for more than half of the population and nearly half of the labor force. The percentage of female National Assembly deputies from 2016 to 2021 is 26.8%, one of the highest percentages of female National Assembly deputies in the world.

- Women hold key positions, including Politburo member, National Assembly Chairwoman, and Deputy Chairwoman, Vice President, Minister, and Deputy Minister.

- Ethnic women work in many sectors including education and healthcare. Female workers account for 49% of the workforce. The literacy rate among women is 92% and 80% of ethnic child girls attend schools. Women account for over 50% of bachelor's degrees, 30% of master's degrees, and 17% of PhDs.

Achievements and challenges on gender equality in Vietnam today

- According to the National Committee for the Advancement of Women, as of the end of 2006, Vietnamese women have 42,667,300 people, accounting for 50.86% of the country's population. With a proportion of over 50% of the population, Vietnamese women are increasingly participating in social activities. Gender gap in the areas of population / family planning, labor and employment; educations; political participation ... has achieved remarkable results.

- We can say that in the fields of education, training and science-technology we have achieved quite satisfactory results. Women make up 69% of the force in education and training. The contingent of female intellectuals has been increased in quantity and quality, accounting for 37% of the total number of people with university and college degrees; female doctorate accounts for 19.9%; female professors and associate professors accounted for 6.7%.

- The proportion of women participating in the 13th National Assembly (2011-2016) reached 24.4%, making Vietnam in the group of countries with a high proportion of women in the National Assembly in the region and the world (ranked 43/143 countries above world and 2nd in ASEAN). Women hold many key leadership positions in the country such as Vice President

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