PART IV. WRITING I. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given 1. The oil spill resulted in the death of thousands of fish in this area. (make) ____________________________________________________________________ 2. All the roads were flooded because it had been raining heavily. (due to) ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Jimmy yate a lot of fast foods, so he put on 10 kilograms within just two months. (because) ____________________________________________________________________ 4. My father got upset because I repeatedly left on the lights I was not using. (so) ____________________________________________________________________ 5. The contaminated drinking water caused the outbreak of cholera in the village (due to) ____________________________________________________________________ 6. Human activity is to blame for many forms of pollution on earth. (resulted in) ____________________________________________________________________

1 câu trả lời

The oil spill make resulted in the death of thousands of fish in this area. 

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