PART 2: FIND A MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE. Select 1 option only 1 Several new botanical species has been killed since the last year because of water and soil pollution. * 1 điểm Several botanical has been because of 2 Because warmer water contains less oxygen, it can harm fish populations and causes harmful algal blooms. * 1 điểm Because less harm causes

2 câu trả lời

1. Several new botanical species has been killed since the last year because of water and soil pollution.

⇒ Several new botanical species have been killed since the last year because of water and soil pollution.

2. Because warmer water contains less oxygen, it can harm fish populations and causes harmful algal blooms

⇒Because warmer water contains less oxygen, it can harm fish populations and cause harmful algal blooms

1. has been → have been

2. causes → cause 

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