Now write an email(90- words)to your pen friend telling him about activity that you have done to protect the environment You should use the following questions as cues: - what have you done? - when did you start it? -how does it help protect the environment? How do you feel? Hi charles, ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

Hi Charles,

You know that nowadays there are pollutions everywhere. So that, last week, I joined a voluntary club to clean trash at the beach. I thought it would be boring but it was very fun and interested. Would you like to come with me next week, we are going to clean the street.

Hope you will join,


Hi charles,

It can be said that this is the simplest and easiest job that each student can do to protect the environment. Not only individuals, but they can remind their friends and classmates to dispose of their trash in the right place. This waste is disposed of more quickly, efficiently and safely.
In addition to environmental protection actions, students need to propagate, remind and criticize those who commit destructive or disruptive behavior to the environment. Remind people not to throw garbage into lakes and ponds, not to cut trees indiscriminately. Waste must be classified for treatment or reuse. Joining hands to protect the environment is to contribute to improving the quality of life for everyone themselves, and to contribute to a more beautiful life.

Hoai Anh

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