Mọi người giúp mình mấy câu này với .Mình hứa sẽ Vote đủ 1.Their children have birth defects.The parents were exposed to radiation Because............................................ 2.The air pollution causes breathing problems ............................................................... 3.Because her leg was sore,she has difficulty in walking Because of...................................... 4.Because he behaved badly,he found himself in trouble Because of his................................................. 5.Because it was snowing,we didn't go out for a walk Because of.................................................. 6.I can't make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking If................................ 7.I', not you,so I can't tell him the truth If............................................................. 8.If your phone doesn't work,you can use mine Unless............................................................... 9.She will open the door if she knows who it is Unless....................................................... 10.If you are more careful,you won't get accidents Unless.............................................. 11.Unless she hurries,she will miss the train If............................................. 12.Unless the man is well-qualified,he won't be offered the job If...................................................... 13.Unless he phones immediately,he won't get any information If...........................................................

2 câu trả lời

1, because the parents were exposed to the radiation, the children have birth defects

2,breathing problems are caused by the air pollution

3,because of her sore leg, she has difficult in walking

4, because of his bad behavior, he found himself in trouble

5,because of the smow, we couldn't go out for a walk

6,if I were good at cooking, I could make all of my own

7,If I were you, I can tell him the truth

8, unless your phone works, you can use mine

9,unless she knows who it is, she will not open the door

10,unless you are more carefull, you will get accident

11,if she doesn't hurry,  she will miss the train

12,if the man is well qualified, he will be offered the job

13, if he phonés immediately, he will get some information

1. Because the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects.

2. Breathing problems are caused by the air pollution

3. Because of her sore leg, she has difficulty in walking

4. Because of his bad behavior, he found himself in trouble

5. Because of the snow, we didn't go out for a walk

6. If I were good at cooking, I could make all of my own

7. ?

8. Unless your phone works, you can use mine

9. Unless she knows who it is, she won't open the door

10. Unless you are more carefull, you will get accidents

11. If she doesn't hurry, she will miss the train

12. If the man is well-qualified, he will be offered the job

13. If he phones immediately, he will get some information

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