Mọi người giúp em vs ạ em dắp đến h nộp r ạ Bài 5:Combine two sentences in to one, using the words in brackets. Do not change the gives words in any way. 1. This is the first time i had uch a deliciout meal (before) 2. She started driving 1 month ago (for) 3. The painting is bigger than photograph (notas...as) 4. This film is more interesting than the one we saw last week (notas...as) 5.This picture is the same as the picture in our room (not different from) 6.My hobby is drawing and Johns is also drawing (same) 7. What is the price of a bowl of beef noodle soup? (Much) 8. Im not a doctor. They arent doctor (neither) 9. They can play volleyball. We can play volleyball (too) 10. Mr. Tam wont come to the party tonight. His wife wont come to the party tonight (either) 11. My father didnt drink beer. My uncle didnt drink beer (neither) 12. It is two years since she went back to her home village (gone) 13. My will cancel the party(be) 14. My mother was making a cake when i came home( being) 15. Mr.and Mrs.Smith are flying to Hanoi (now)

2 câu trả lời

1. I have never had such a delicious meal before.

2. She has started driving for 1 month.

3. The photograph is not as big as the painting.

4. The film we saw last week is not as interesting as this one.

5. This picture is different from the picture in our room.

6. I and John have the same hobby.

7. How much does a bowl of beef noodle soup cost?

8. I'm not a doctor and neither do they.

9. They can play volleyball and we can, too.

10. Mr Tam won't come to the party tonight and his wife won't come to the party tonight, either

11. My father didn't drink beer and neither does my uncle.

12. We have gone to her home village for two years.

13. The party will be cancelled

14. A cake was being made by my mother when I came home.

15. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are travelling to Hanoi by plane now.

1. I have never had such a delicious meal before

2. She has driven for 1 month

3. Photograph is not as big as the painting

4. The film we saw last weekwas not as interesting as this one

5. This picture isn't different from the picture in our room

6. I have the same hobby as John

7. How much is a bowl of beef noodle soup?

8. I'm am not a doctor and neither are they

9. They can play volleyball and we can play volleyball, too

10. Mr Tam won't come to the party tonight and his wife won't come to the party tonight, either

11. My father didn't drink beer and neither did my uncle

12. She has not gone back to her home village for 2 years

13. The party will be cancelled

14. A cake was being made by my mother when I came home

15. Mr and Mrs Smith are travelling to Hanoi by plane now

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