mn giúp mình giải bài này hộ với ạ 1."Could you help me with my English speaking?",Minh said to Ha. Minh told................................................................................................ 2."Can you wait for me here, Jerry?" Tom told..................................................... 3."Please buy me an English exercise book?",Nam said to Thi Nam asked ............................................................................... 4."Get up early to learn your lesson, Toan" Toan's father told him......................................................... 5."You should improve your English pronunciation,Nga" Nga's teacher said............................................................ 6."You should stay in bed for a few days.",the doctor said to Mr.John. The doctor said...................................................................... 7. "Can you carry these chairs into the house?" Mrs Lan asked me......................................................

2 câu trả lời

1. Minh told Ha to help him with his English speaking

2.Tom told Jerry to wait for his

3. Nam asked Thi to buy him an English exercise books

4. Toan's father told him to get up early to learn his lesson

5. Nga's teacher said she should improve her English pronunciation

6. The doctor said Mr.John should stay in bed for a few days

7. Mrs. Lan asked me to carry those chairs into the house

Để mình giải cho                                                                                                                      1."Could you help me with my English speaking?",Minh said to Ha.                                ⇒   Minh told Ha can help Minh speak English.                                                     2. "Can you wait for me here, Jerry?"                                                                                    ⇒   Tom told Jerry if he could wait for Tom.                                                           3.  Please buy me an English exercise book?",Nam said to Thi                                         ⇒   Nam asked Thi if he could buy Thi an English exercise book                           4.  Get up early to learn your lesson, Toan"                                                                          ⇒    Toan's father told him to get up early to do his homework                         5."You should improve your English pronunciation,Nga"                                                ⇒   Nga's teacher asked if Nga could improve her Nga pronunciation  .             6.  You should stay in bed for a few days.",the doctor said to Mr.John                          ⇒  The doctor said Mr. John should lie in bed for a few days.                               7.  Can you carry these chairs into the house?"                                                                  ⇒  Mrs. Lan asked me if could bring these chairs into the house                        Nếu sai,bạn sửa lại dùm mình nha                                                                                    Đừng nói mình vi phạm hoặc copy bài của người khác nhé!