Mình muốn nói với em của mình một đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh

2 câu trả lời

I have got a younger brother. His mischievousness has always brought great pleasure to my whole family. He is really like a little angel with a round face, chubby cheeks and sparkling eyes. He loves going to the kindergarten because there are many friends to play with there. He is extremely fond of cookies, snacks and orange juice. I like it the most when seeing his merry face greeting me after every school day. Although sometimes being frustrated with his mischief, I still love and always hope the best things for him.

Hi my brother,

How are you? How is your study at the primary school? I have been studying at high school far away from for 3 months now, so I miss you very much.

I hope you are fine and work hard at school. Our parents tell me that you are very obidient and help our mother with housework a lot. I am very pleased to hear that. Remember not to eat too much sweets and soft drinks and not to stay up late to play games. Keep your health and take care of our parents, will you?

Write to me soon.


Your sister

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