list types of pollution and its causes *Viết thành 1 đoạn văn và liệt kê nguyên nhân của từng loại ô nhiễm riêng

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Nowadays, beside the social developments, the environment is polluted more and more serioulsly which harm to the people's life. First of all, it's air pollution. The emission of smoke to the air from most of the factory everyday. Moreover, a huge amount of Cacbon dioxide is released into the air by vehicles. Second, water pollution is a big problem. It's mostly dependent on the awareness of people. They grow litter into the lake, river. There are a lot of ship split oil into the sea and brings many drawbacks. Third, we also pay attention to soil pollution. It is caused by chemicals poisoin which soak into the soil and brings harm to us. Overall, the environment is damaged seriously, so everyone should protect the environment by ourselves.