Lấy ví dụ về so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất,câu gián tiếp?

2 câu trả lời

So sánh hơn:

I am taller than Mai.

So sánh nhất:

She is the most beautiful girl in my class.

Câu gián tiếp:

Hoa said that she wanted to go home.


Xin hay nhất!!!

So sánh hơn kém:

He is stronger than me (tính từ ngắn)

This bed is more comfortable than that one (tính từ dài)

He is better than me at chess (trường hợp đặc biệt)

So sánh bậc nhất:

This house is the biggest in my town (tính từ ngắn)

She is the most beautiful girl in our class (tính từ dài)

Pele is the best football player of all time (đặc biệt)

Câu gián tiếp:

Peter asked me if I took his pen (asked)

He said that he would be a doctor (said)

She told me that she would meet me the next day (told)

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