Jup mình viết một đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh về chủ đề bình đẳng giới trong trường học

1 câu trả lời

Before, we used to think: "In men, despise women". It is a sexist ideology in which women are demeaned and underestimated, but today it has become obsolete and has been changed by the idea of ​​gender equality. Gender equality is a concept that implies that men and women, including the homosexual community and transgender people, should receive equal treatment in all aspects of economic life. - Social and human rights such as education, health, culture, marriage, family, employment, welfare policies ... Implement gender equality in the family as husband and wife have equal rights and obligations in family activities, and have a sense of responsibility to exercise their rights and obligations fairly such as: The right to decide the number of children , birth distance, care and parenting ... Even women have the right to work and be financially independent. Those jobs are based on sharing, helping each other, creating consensus. The care, sharing and mutual help of both husband and wife help the family's development be stable and sustainable.Therefore, in order to realize gender equality in the family today, it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and education on gender issues, gender equality in the family and society as specified in the guidelines and policies. of the Party, the laws of the State. Seeing the implementation of gender equality is a long-term job and requires a comprehensive coordination of the whole society. Since then, each person has a good sense of gender equality in the family and society. The woman needs to be aware of her own values ​​and capacities, from which sense of self arises to free herself. Must constantly study and improve knowledge to assert their role and position in the family and in society. Responsibility for gender equality is not only the responsibility of each individual, but the responsibility of each family and the whole society; is an important basis for building a "prosperous, equal, progressive and happy" family, a civilized and happy society.

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