IV.Read and Answer true (T) or false (F). Water pollution There are several types of pollution. However, water pollution is the most serious in our area. It is caused by several factors. Fisrtly, families dump sewage into the river. In the past it was a very beautiful river, but now the water is almost black. Secondly, there are two new factories in our area, and they are dumping chemical waste into the lake and river. Thirly, pesticides are another source of pollution. Farmers in our area usually use these to kill insects. Water pollution badly affects our area. We do not have enough fresh water to water the plants and crops. People can not raise fish in the river and the lake because the water there is so polluted. In addition ther are no more wild ducks near the river today since they can not find fish for food. Another negative effect is that sometimes in the afternoon there is a bad smell from the polluted river, so people do not like walking along it anymore. People in our area are all aware of this problem, and we are thingking of some ways to solve it. 1.Water pollution is the most serious in our area. 2.Fisrtly, families dump sewage into the lake 3.There are many new factories in our area, and they are dumping chemical waste into the lake and river. 4.Water pollution badly affects our area 5.People can raise fish in the river and the lake 6. They are thingking of some ways to solve it. GIÚP MK VỚI!!!!!!

2 câu trả lời

1.Water pollution is the most serious in our area. True

2.Fisrtly, families dump sewage into the lake False

3.There are many new factories in our area, and they are dumping chemical waste into the lake and river. False

4.Water pollution badly affects our area True

5.People can raise fish in the river and the lakeFalse

6. They are thingking of some ways to solve it True

1. true

2. false

3. false

4. true

5. false

6. true

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