IV.Complete the following sentences with must, mustn't or needn't. 1. You ... take an umbrella. It ist't going to rain. 2. Come on. We ... hurry. We seem to be late. 3. Well, it ... be big - that's not important. But it ... have a nice garden - that's essential. 4. It is a valuabla book and you ... lose it. 5. I think I ... go shopping. We've run out of food.

2 câu trả lời

1. must 

2. must

3. needn't - must

4. musn't

5. must

1. must 

2. must

3. needn't /must

4. musn't

5. must

must dùng trong trường hợp bắt buộc nhưng ko trong pháp luật

need dùng trong trường hợp cần và ko cần


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