IV. Write the sentences, using the adjective + to-infinitive structure. EX: It/ difficult/ learn/ Japanese. -> It’s difficult to learn Japanese. 1. We/ delighted/ get/ your letter/ yesterday. 2. It/ not easy/ answer/ these questions. 3. Your writing/ difficult/ read. 4. I/ surprised/ see/ Paul/ the party/ last night 5. It/ impossible/ understand/ his theory. 6. They/ ready/ start/ now. 7. It/ cruel/ tease/ animal 8. you/ pleased/ see/ me/ again?

2 câu trả lời

1. We/ delighted/ get/ your letter/ yesterday.

We were delighted to get your letter yesterday.

.It/ not easy/ answer/ these questions.

It's not easy to answer these questions

3.Your writing/ difficult/ read.

Your writing is difficult to read

4. I/ surprised/ see/ Paul/ the party/ last night

I was surprised to see Paul at the party last night

5.It/ impossible/ understand/ his theory.

It is impossible to understand his theory

6.They/ ready/ start/ now.

They are ready to start now

7. It/ cruel/ tease/ animal

It is cruel to tease animal

8. you/ pleased/ see/ me/ again?

Are you pleased to see me again?

Cấu trúc: adj + to-infinitive

1. We were delighted to get your letter yesterday.

$2$. It's not easy to answer these questions

3. Your writing is difficult to read

4. I was surprised to see Paul at the party last night

5. It is impossible to understand his theory

6. They are ready to start now

7. It is cruel to tease animal

8. Are you pleased to see me again?

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