III. Insert word to complete the following sentences Buddhist pagodas population Ethnic groups language 1.When people enter ______________, they are expected to remove their shoes. 2.Viet Nam is a multi – nationality country with 54 ____________________________. 3.Among ethnic minorities, the most populated are Tay, Thai , Muong, ….. with a __________ of around 1 million each. 4.Because of the accent diversity, each ethnic group creates different _____________. IV. Choose the correct word marked A,B,C, or D to fill each blank in the following email Hello Nick, Great to receive your mail. Because you’ll be here soon, I’d like to share with you my family tradition and customs. Well , we have the customs ________(1)______ spending the Saturdays together. You many ask why not on Sundays. It’s simply because my mother works on Sundays. On Saturdays, we always ______(2)_______ out. Sometimes we visit our grandparents in Vung Tau. Sometimes we go on a _____(3)______ in the park or a nearly beauty spot. You asked me about the Tet holiday, right? There is a (4)___________that we make tet cakes and cook braised pork and egg (thit kho trung). Tet cake is similar to chung cakes in Ha Noi, but it’s long, not square. Brased pork and eggs is our traditional _______(5)________for Tet. It’s so delicious! When you _______(6)________ here, my mother will cook it for you. What about your family? Share with me the traditions and customs you follow. 1. A. for B. of C. in D. on 2. A . stray B. put C. find D. go 3. A. picnic B. trip C. day D.camp 4. A. customs B. tradition C. regulation D. thing 5. A. thing B. taste C. dish D. jam 6. A. go B. leave C. come D. depart

2 câu trả lời

III. Insert word to complete the following sentences.

1. Buddhist pagodas

2. Ethnic groups

3. Population

4. Language

IV. Choose the correct word marked A,B,C, or D to fill each blank in the following.

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. C


1. Buddhist pagodas    2. ethnic groups    3. population     4. language


1.B   2. D     3. A    4. B    5. C    6. C

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