III. Give the correct form of the following verbs 1. My mother always tells me that I have to ........................................ home by 9 p.m. (be) 2. When I came, the whole family ....................................... dinner around a big dinning table. (have) 3. Children should .................................. things from adults with both hands. (take) 4. In Australia, you mustn’t ..................................... on a person’s accent. (comment) 5. Laura lives in a big city. If she ........................ (live) in the country, she ........................ (have) a dog. 6. I ......................................... (learn) Italian for the past three years. 7. If I were you, I ...................................... (not / buy) that book. 8. What the children .............................................. (see) in the zoo yesterday? 9. They prefer .................................. (play) in a swimming pool all day. 10. The doctor will be ready in ten minutes. Take a seat while you .............. (wait)

2 câu trả lời

1 be

2 were having

3 take

4 comment

5 lived, would not have

6 have learnt

7 wouldn't buy

8 did...see

9 playing

10 are waiting

1. be

2. were having

3. take

4. comment

5. lived | would not have

6. have learnt

7. would not buy

8. did | see

9. playing

10. are waiting

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