II. Write a paragraph (100- 120 words) about the importance of learning English, beginning with the given sentence. Learning English is very beneficial to all of us. First,

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Learning English is very beneficial to all of us. First, you will be able to communicate in many places around the world. With English, you will not only be able to communicate with people in real life, but take advantage of travel guides and tourist information that is sometimes only published in English. Second, you will have more career options. As we make links with other countries in almost every job sector, the value of having a common language is greater than ever before, and English is commonly a pre-requisite for many jobs. Morever, you will have access to media from a variety of countries. Last but not least, you will be able to make friends that you might otherwise never have met

Learning English is very beneficial to all of us. First, they add a necessary source of knowledge. We can see that English is a language used by the whole world. Secondly, companies are becoming more international, and English is listed as an essential skill for more and more jobs. There are some organisations that now conduct all their business in English, no matter where in the world they are based. If you want the best paid opportunities, learning English is a great idea.

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