II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1. ____________ the head of the household cleans the dust and ashes from the altars, children are in charge of sweeping and scrubbing the floor. A.When B.While C.Because D.Although 2. Seven days before Tet, each Vietnamese family offers a farewell ceremony for “Ong Tao”(the Kitchen Gods) to go up to Heaven Palace, ___________ his task is to make an annual report to the Jade Emperor of the family’s affair throughout the year. A.and B.but C.so D.yet 3. ___________ the yellow apricot blossoms are more adaptable to the hot weather of southern regions, the pink peach blossoms match well with the dry, cold weather from the North. A.If B.Although C.When D.While 4. Lucky money is put in red envelopes, ____________ the red envelopes symbolize luck and wealth. A.and B.because C.so D.yet 5. ____________ you take the fruit, you should think of grower. A.Although B.However C.When D.While 6. You ____________ address a person older than you as Mrs., Miss, Ms. or Mr. until the person allows you to use her or his first name. A.should B.shouldn’t C.don’t have to D.could 7. _____________ tips are not given in fast shops, tipping is the usual custom in expensive restaurants in England. A.However B.Moreover C.Even D.Although 8. It is the ___________ for Australians to eat with their fingers at barbecues or picnics outside the home. A.habit B.belief C.custom D.tradition 9. The Mountain Spirit (Son Tinh) was very ___________, but the Sea Spirit (Thuy Tinh) was _________. A.gentle-wise B.fierce-gentle C.gentle-fierce D.wicked-ugly 10. I think An Tiem was very ____________ to carve the island’s name and his own name on the water melon and threw them into the sea. A.wise B.mean C.generous D.fierce 11. The Crow was so ___________ that he painted the Peacock’s feathers with bright and beautiful colours. A.pretty B.brave C.clever D.beautiful 12. The Little Mermaid was so ____________ that she didn’t kill the prince with the knife. A.brave B.pretty C.clever D.generous 13. The magician had a brother, who was even more _________, and he wanted to kill Aladdin. A.wicked B.fierce C.ugly D.mean 14. The elder brother was __________ when he gave his brother only a starfruit tree. A.lazy B.mean C.generous D.clever 15. The ___________ king kept all the rice to himself when his people had no food. He was very ____________. A.selfish-cruel B.selfish-wise C.generous-cruel D.generous-cunning 16. Giant eagles and waves were very ________ during Captain Sinbad’s voyages. A.wise B.ugly C.fierce D.generous 17. The Gong Festival is held __________ in the Central Highlands. A.year B.yearly C.annual D.annually 18. ________ does Hoa Ban Festival take place? – In Lai Chau. A.What B.Where C.When D.How 19. It is typical of the cultural life of _________ Thai people A.some B.a C.The D.Ø 20. ________ do the cattle provide for the nomads? – Dairy products, meat, and clothing. A.What B.Where C.Why D.How 21. The crops _________ on the weather. A.depend heavy B.depend heavily C.affect heavy D.affect heavily 22. Mai studies Maths a little bit ___________. A.bad B.badly C.Good D.smartly 23. During the festival, they fly many _________ kites in different shapes and sizes A.colour B.colourless C.colourful D.colouring 24. An old woman was __________ the goats up the mountainside. A.riding B.taking C.herding D.running 25. _________ is the festival celebrated? – Every year. A.When B.How often C.How D.What 26. There are no high building to block ___________ in our village. A.view B.a view C.some view D.the view 27. Yoga helps us learn ___________ to co-ordinate breathing and movement. A.what B.when C.why D.how 28. Teenagers enjoy _______ to music and _________ out with friends. A.listen – hang B.to listen – to hang C.listening – hang D.listening – hanging 29. __________ should children do yoga too? A.Why B.When C.What D.How 30. Don’t worry. It is ____________ to travel to that village event at night. A.safe B.unsafe C.difficult D.inconvenient

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