II, Rewrite these sentences. 1, This shirt is too dirty for me to wear. –This shirt isn’t…………………………………………………………. 2, The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. –The Pyramids………………………………………………….. 3, The windows were painted yesterday. –Someone…………………………………………………………… 4, “ Where is the Ben Thanh market ?” –He asked me…………………………………………………………. 5, I don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. – If……………………………………………….. 6, The news was so bad that Mrs Janet burst into tears. –It was……………………………………………… 7, If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job. –Unless………………………………………………………… 8, “ Bring your swimming suits in case it’s sunny “ –He told me……………………………………………….. 9, When did you last see Tom ? –How long is it……………………………………………………………….? 10, He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party. –He wishes…………………………………… Test 7 I, Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1, Your daughter ( grow )………………………..a lot since I last saw her. 2, He wishes he ( come )……………………….back to his mother land now . 3, Do you feel like ( go )……………………..to a firm or would you rather ( stay )…………..at home ? 4, I’m busy at the moment. I ( redecorate )………………………the sitting-room. 5, These books ( write )…………………(read )…………………….by everyone. They should be kept there 6, If I ( be)……………………..the President, I ( change )………………………..a lot of things . 7, Nothing ( do )………………………………since I moved here. III, Use the words to make sentences. 1, I / wet / through / If I / know / it / rain / I /take / umbrella. 2, Please/ not / interrupt / me / before / I / finish / talk . 3, She / remind / him / go / post office / buy / stamps. 4, Boy / beg / father / help / him / homework 5, How long / it / you / get / your school / bus ? IV, Choose the best answer. 1, He made me (do , doing, to do, did) it all again. 2, Did you remember (take, to take, taking, took) the camera with you. 3, The soldier (injure, to injure, injuring, injured) in the fight was taken to hospital. 4, He refused (pay, to pay, paid, paying) for the shirt. 5, The (steal, to steal, stolen, stealing) cars haven’t been found yet. 6, After (spend, to spend, spending, spent) a week in Paris they decided to come back . 7, It is starting (rain, to rain, raining, rained). 8, It is very wise (be, to be, being, been) after the event. 9, Having (fail, to fail, failing, failed) twice, he doesn’t want to sit for exam once more. 10, The T-shirt (buy, to buy, buying, bought) in that shop is beautiful. V, Choose the correct word for each space from the list below . (journey, sky, clouds, of, much, interesting, or, time, up, by, life, and, last, feel, I) During the weekend, I travelled…1…air for the first…2…in my …3……I generally travel by train…4...bus. It is both cheaper….5…safer. But this was a short….6….At the beginning I didn’t …7…very happy….8... I was soon high…9….in the …..10…among the ….11…. …..12….. . The veiw….13….mountains, fields and rivers was interesting and unusual……14…enjoyed my short and comfortable journey very …15…. VI, Fill in each blank with a correct preposition. 1, I threw the ball………..Peter,instead…………throwing it …..…… …..……me, he ran…….…..and hid it. 2, A man escaped……………….prison two days ago. He is dangerous. 3, Last night, Tom was walking…………..his office………..his car when he was attacked……….behind. The attacker hit Tom…………..the head . 4, The criminal was put………………….prison…………………….robbery . 5, The piece of news is delightful……………………….us . 6, That book is interesting……………………………me. 7, What did Mr Nam die ………………….. ? 8, He threw stones…………………….his attackers and trying drive them …………………….

1 câu trả lời

1, This shirt is too dirty for me to wear. –This shirt isn’t clean enough for me to wear

2, The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. –The Pyramids was built by the ancient Egyptians 

3, The windows were painted yesterday. –Someone painted the windows yesterday

4, “ Where is the Ben Thanh market ?” –He asked me where the Ben Thanh market was

5, I don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. – If you didn't live so far away, I would visit you more often.

6, The news was so bad that Mrs Janet burst into tears. –It was so bad of the news that Mrs Janet burst into tears

7, If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job. –Unless he works harder, he'll lose his job.

8, “ Bring your swimming suits in case it’s sunny “ –He told me to bring my swimming suits in case it's sunny.

9, When did you last see Tom ? –How long is it since the last time you saw Tom?

10, He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party. –He wishes he had invited Jane to his party.

I, Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1, Your daughter has grown a lot since I last saw her.

2, He wishes he could come back to his mother land now .

3, Do you feel like going to a firm or would you rather stay at home ?

4, I’m busy at the moment. I am redecorating the sitting-room.

5, These books written have been readby everyone. They should be kept there

6, If I were the President, I would change a lot of things .

7, Nothing did I do since I moved here.

III, Use the words to make sentences.

1, I / wet / through / If I / know / it / rain / I /take / umbrella.

I was wet all through. If I had known it would rain, I would have taken along the umbrella.

2, Please/ not / interrupt / me / before / I / finish / talk .

Please don't interrupt me before I finish talking.

3, She / remind / him / go / post office / buy / stamps.

She reminded him to go to the post office to buy some stamps.

4, Boy / beg / father / help / him / homework

The boy begs his father to help him with his homework.

5, How long / it / you / get / your school / bus ?

How long does it take you to get to your school by bus?

IV, Choose the best answer.

1, He made me (do , doing, to do, did) it all again.

2, Did you remember (take, to take, taking, took) the camera with you.

3, The soldier (injure, to injure, injuring, injured) in the fight was taken to hospital.

4, He refused (pay, to pay, paid, paying) for the shirt.

5, The (steal, to steal, stolen, stealing) cars haven’t been found yet. 6, After (spend, to spend, spending, spent) a week in Paris they decided to come back . 7, It is starting (rain, to rain, raining, rained).

8, It is very wise (be, to be, being, been) after the event.

9, Having (fail, to fail, failing, failed) twice, he doesn’t want to sit for exam once more.

10, The T-shirt (buy, to buy, buying, bought) in that shop is beautiful.

V, Choose the correct word for each space from the list below .

(, , , , , ,    , ,)

During the weekend, I travelled…by…air for the first…time…in my …life……I generally travel by train…or...bus. It is both cheaper….and…safer. But this was a short….journey….At the beginning I didn’t …feel…very happy….last.. I was soon high…up….in the …..sky…among the ….interesting…. …..clouds….. . The veiw….of….mountains, fields and rivers was interesting and unusual……I…enjoyed my short and comfortable journey very …much….

VI, Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.

1, I threw the ball to Peter,instead……of…throwing it ….back…… …..to……me, he ran……away.…..and hid it.

2, A man escaped………from….prison two days ago. He is dangerous.

3, Last night, Tom was walking……to…..his office…from…..his car when he was attacked…from….behind. The attacker hit Tom……on…..the head .

4, The criminal was put………in……….prison………for…………….robbery .

5, The piece of news is delightful………for……….us .

6, That book is interesting…………for………me.

7, What did Mr Nam die ……for…….. ?

8, He threw stones……at………….his attackers and trying drive them ………away…….