II. Rewrite each of these sentences without changing its original meaning 1.The scientists are studying the problem carefully. The problem ______________________________________________. 2. Somebody had already reported the accident before I phoned. The accident ______________________________________________. 3. These students should have finished the tasks by the time their teacher came back. The tasks _________________________________________________ 4.Our heating isn’t working and I feel cold. If our heating _______________________________________________. 5. You can’t make a cake without flour. Unless ____________________________________________________. 6. The fire destroyed the forest completely. The forest __________________________________________________. 7.You must hurry or we'll miss the train. Unless we __________________________________________________. 8. People must not leave bicycles in the hall. Bicycles____________________________________________________.

2 câu trả lời

1 . The problem is being studied carefully by the scientists

2 . The accident had already been reported before I phoned

3 . The tasks should have been finished by these students

4 . If our heating isn't working , I will feel cold

5 . Unless you have flour , you can't make a cake

6 . The forest was destroyed completely by the fire

7 . Unless we hurry , we'll miss the train

8 . Bicycles must not be left in the hall

1. The problem is being studied carefully by the scientists

2. The accident had already been reported before I phoned

3. The tasks should have been finished by the time these students' teacher came back

4. If our heating were working, I wouldn't feel cold

5. Unless you have  flour, you can't make a cake

6. The forest was destroyed completely by the fire

7. Unless you hurry, we won't miss the train

8. Bicycles mustn't be left in the hall

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