II. Complete the sentences with the correct verb from in the bracket. 1. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose) .......................? 2. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) ............................... thick. 3. If the milk man ( come) .........................., tell him to leave two pints. 4. I (call) ....................... the office if I were you. 5. Someone (sit) ................ on you glasses if you leave them there. 6. You would hear my explanation if you (not talk)...................... so much. 7. What you (do) ............................... if you hear the burglar alarm? 8. If you (read) ............................ the instructions carefully, you wouldn'd have answered the wrong question. 9. If Mel (ask) ...................................... her teacher, he'd have answered her question. 10. I would repair the roof myself if I (have) .............. a long ladder. 11. Unless they turn that radio off, I (go) ......................... mad. 12. If you were made redundant, what you (do) ............................? 13. We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) ................. out of petrol her. 14. If you shake that bottle of port, it (not be) ................. fit to drink. 15. If you spoke louder, your classmate (understand) ..................... you.

2 câu trả lời

II. Complete the sentences with the correct verb from in the bracket.

1.would you choose



4.would call

5.will sit

6.didn't talk

7.will you do

8.had read

9.had asked 

10. had

11. will go

12. would you do

13. run

14. won't be

15. would understand

1. would choose

2. would has been gotten

3. comes

4. would call

5. will sit

6. did not talk

7. will do

8. had read

9. has asked

10. had

11. will go

12. would do

13. run

14. will not be

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