II. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form (Hãy hoàn thành những câu sau, sử dụng hình thức đúng của động từ): write, translate, cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show, bear. 1. A lot of accidents ……………………… by careless drivers. 2. Do you know that cheese ………………………..from milk? 3. The roof of that house ………………………..in a storm a week ago. 4. There’s no need to leave a trip. Service …………………………in the bill. Don’t you see it? 5. Khanh and you ……was visited……………to the party. Why didn’t you go? 6. People know that a cinema is a place where films …………show………………… . 7. It’s said that in France, elections for President …………………………every four years. 8. Originally these books ………………………….in Chinese and a few years ago they ………………………..into Vietnamese. 9. They were driving along quite fast but they ………………………….by many other cars. 10. All of us know that Uncle Ho …………………….in Nam Dan, Nghe An in 1890.

2 câu trả lời

1. were caused

2. was made

3. was damaged

4. is included

5. are invited

6. are showed

7. are held

8. were written

9. were overtaken

10. was born.

1.are caused

2.is made

3.was damaged

4.is included

5.were invited

6.are shown

7.are hold

8.were written/were translated

9.were overtook

10.was born

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