-I wrote a letter to my neighbours because they littered near my house. * 1 điểm I wrote a letter to my neighbours since I littered near their houses. Because of littering near my house, I wrote a letter to my neighbours. Because of littering near my house, my neighbours wrote me a letter. I wrote a letter to my neighbours due to the fact that they littered near my house. -Hundreds of millions of animals and plants were killed in the bushfire disaster in Australia last year. * 1 điểm The bushfire disaster in Australia last year resulted in the kill of millions of animals and plants. Hundreds of millions of animals and plants were dead because the bushfire disaster in Australia last year. The bushfire disaster in Australia last year led to the death of millions of animals and plants. Hundreds of millions of animals and plants were died due to the bushfire disaster in Australia last year.

2 câu trả lời

1.I wrote a letter to my neighbours due to the fact that they littered near my house.

2.Hundreds of millions of animals and plants were died due to the bushfire disaster in Australia last year.

1. I wrote a letter to my neighbours due to the fact that they littered near my house.

2. The bushfire disaster in Australia last year led to the death of millions of animals and plants.

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