I Sắp xếp: now/ house/ flower/ front/ there/ looking/ garden / is/ in/ it/ of/ a/ Lan's/ and/ at/ she/ is / IIDựa vào thông tin cho sẵn để viết các câu miêu tả những sự việc trong quá khứ mà bây giờ không còn làm nữa 1. this was only a small company with saveral years of low profit but now it has changed a lot -> 2. men were the breadwinner of the family and women depended greatly on men -> 3.my sister admitted that she lied sometimes in the past but now she didn't -> 4. Jim asked me that i preferred to do as a child that i no longer did now -> 5. who took care of you when you were a toddler? -> 6. Jim wasn't interested in reading books when he was small but now he is really into it -> 7. i got all the attention from my parents before my little brother was born -> 8. bungalows were very popular 6 years ago ->

2 câu trả lời


There is a flower garden in front of Lan's house and she is looking at it now


1. This used to be only a small company with several years

2. Men used to be the breadwinner of the family and women depend greatly on men

3. My sister admitted that she used to lie sometimes in the past

4. Jim asked me that i used to prefer to do as a child

5. Who use to take care of you when you were a toddler?

6. Jim didn't use to interested in reading books when he was small

7. I used to get all the attention from my parents before my little brother was born

8. Bungalows used to be very popular 6 years ago

There is she in front of Lan's house and is looking at flower garden.