I Read and write. do don't does doesn't 1. Do you like reading in your free time? No, 2. What you do at weekends? I surf the Internet. 3. What your brother do on Sundays? He goes to the cinema. 4. Does your mother go shopping in her free time? No, she go swimming 5. What your grandparents do in their free time? They watch TV. V Put the verbs in the correct form. eg: He (like) (read) → He likes reading. 1. She (not like) (run) 2. T (love) (walk) 3. We (hate) (do) homework 4. They (not like) (eat) cabbage 5. He (love) (sing)6. I (not like) (cook) 7. Men (not like) (shop), but women Clove) (buy) clothes 8. Children (enjoy) (play) games 9. We (love) (go) to the cinema 10. He (hate) (watch) TV

1 câu trả lời

- Hiện tại đơn :

+ Khẳng định : $\text{S + V-es , s +...}$

+ Phủ định : $\text{S + doesn't / don't + V-inf +...}$

+ Nghi vấn : $\text{Do / Does + S + V-inf +...}$

$\left[\begin{matrix} Yes , I do\\ No,I don't\end{matrix}\right.$

1. $\text{I don't}$


3. $\text{does}$

4. $\text{doesn't}$

5. $\text{do}$


- Hiện tại tiếp diễn : ( Sau từ có nghĩa là thích , ghét thì sẽ chia ở HTTD )

+ Khẳng định : $\text{S + tobe + V-ing +...}$

+ Phủ định : $\text{S + tobe + not + V-ing +...}$

1. $\text{doesn't like running}$

2. $\text{love walking}$

3. $\text{hate doing}$

4. $\text{don't like eating}$

5. $\text{loves singing}$

6. $\text{don't like cooking}$

7. $\text{don't like shopping / love buying}$

8. $\text{enjoy playing}$

9. $\text{love going}$

10. $\text{hates watching}$

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