I. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences. 1. Many fish in the lake near my house have died because of the ………………… water. (pollute) 2. My friend and I are going to give a presentation about our …………………… problems. (environment) 3. Too much use of …………………… lights in cities may cause light pollution. (electricity) 4. Nowadays, people use too much herbicide so many animals don’t have enough food and they become …………………… (sickness) 5. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the …………………… of many aquatic animals and plants. (die) II. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. ……………………water is one of the factors that have driven many species to the verge of extinction. A. Contaminating B. contiminate C. Contamination D. contaminated 2. It’s recommended that we become more concerned …………………… the environment around us. A. of B. to C. with D. about 3.The ……………………use of pesticides and herbicides has led to contamination of groundwater in some areas. A. widespread B. occasional C. general D. experimental 4. Air ……………………, together with littering, is causing many problems in our cities today. A. pollute B. pollution C. polluting D. polluted 5. Many people in this city have received medical …………………… for the disease. A. support B. treatment C. help D. assistance 6.The reduction in air pollution was …………………… last year. A. dramma B. dramatise C. dramatically D. dramatic 7. In many poor nations, there are frequent outbreaks of cholera and other diseases because people there untreated water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 8. The road in front of my office is always …………………… when it rains heavily. A. to flood B. flooding C. flood D. flooded 9. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global ………………… A. warm B. warming C. warmly D. warmth 10. It won’t be possible to save the Earth if we don’t take ……………………right now. A. action B. job C. work D. duty III. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box. substance, light pollution, Earth’s surface, water ; air pollution temperature dumping poison, surprised, waste, acid, poisonous, 1. If this factory continues ……………………into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die. 2. I think there is……………………around here because all trees and plants turn yellow and dry. 3. When thermal pollution happens, the……………………in rivers, lakes and oceans changes. 4. Soil pollution happens when people destroy the” … 5. Poison is a …………………… that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it. 6. They are all ……………………to see that all the fish they grow on their farm are dead. 7. You can see stars at night in the countryside because there isn’t any ……………………there. 8. Many households around the West Lake dump……………………into it so the water is polluted. 9. The vegetable price is increasing because the ……………………rain has caused damage to almost all vegetables in this area. 10. The……………………chemical waste in this factory is dumped into the river so its water now becomes almost black.

2 câu trả lời


1. polluted

2. environmental

3. electrical

4. sick

5. death


1. D

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. A


1. dumping poison

2. light pollution

3. temperature

4. Earth's surface

5. substance

6. surprised

7. air pollution

8. waste

9. acid

10. poisonous






II)1.A   2.D   3.A   4.B    5.A    6.D   7.B    8.D    9.D  10.A

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