I. PHONETICS PRACTICE TEST for THE SECOND-TERM TEST (9) * Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently 1. A. Different B. worlD C. graDuator D. Diaster 2. A. Pollute B. receiPt C. sPecies D. accePt Choose one word whose stress pattern is different 3. A. promote B. attract C. trophy D. compete 4. A. develop B. introduce C. discover D. prepare II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs in the brackets . 1. Finally I (stop)... .smoking. I (try).........to give it up for many time. 2. Tomorrow, we (play)...tennis instead of football.Would you like to join us? 3. If you (type)... ..the report, you can go home. 4. If I had known who he was, I (ask).... him to marry me 5. Most of the Earth's surface (cover).....by water B. Give the correct form of words in the brackets 1. Oil spills are a great (threaten)...to the undersea world 2. Animals living in the (wildlife).. .....need protecting. 3. She is beautiful but she is not able to (performance)....... In front of the camera 4. The regulations of the competition will be announced (official).. ......on TV next week C. Choose the best answer to complete ech of the following sentences 1. Do you know exactly..................number of Siberian tigers in China? A. the 2 . B. an C.Ø D. 2 ..is the cake made? It's for Mary because today is her birthday B. what for A. whom C. who D. for whom 3. Does that species still...now? A. surprise B. exist C. contain D. abandon 4. We need this contract - hundreds of jobs are... stake A. at B. on C. under D. In 5. Milk is often added to....................tea in.............UK. A. the,the B. a/a He C. 0/the D. the/a 5. He was an............story teller. We were......and laughed a lot A. Amusing/ amusing B. Amused/ amused C. amused/ amusing D. Amusing/amused

2 câu trả lời


1. C

2. B

3. C

4. B



1. stop smoking-have tried 

2. will play 

3. have typed

4. would have asked 

5. is covered


1. threat

2. wild

3. perform

4. officially


1. A

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. D


* Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently

1. C. graDuator 

2. B. receiPt 

* Choose one word whose stress pattern is different

3. C. trophy

4. B. introduce 


A. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs in the brackets

1. stop smoking-have tried 

2. will play 

3. have typed

4. would have asked 

5. is covered

B. Give the correct form of words in the brackets

1. threat

2. wild

3. perform

4. officially

C. Choose the best answer to complete ech of the following sentences

1. A. the

2. D. for whom

3. B. exist

4. A. at

5. C. 0/the

6. D. Amusing/amused

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