I/ Givethe verbs in bracket, using conditional sentences type 1. 1. If you ( not learn ) _____________how to use a computer, it ( be ) hard to ind a job. 2. If we ( recycle ) _____________glass, we ( reduce ) _____________air pollution . 3. If you ( hear ) ____________loud noise too often, you ( have ) ____________. II/ Givethe verbs in bracket, using conditional sentences type 2. 1. I ____________( offer ) to give you a lift if I had my car here. 2. If my grandfather ____________( be ) still alive, he would be a hundred today. 3. We ( not have ) ___________any money if we ___________ ( not work ) 4/ Workbook: Do exercises Unit 7 in Workbook ( you can refer to the keys in the workbook , you can write the exercises in your workbook and notebook ) . Teacher will mark the lesson

2 câu trả lời


1. don't learn - will be

2. recycle - will reduce

3. hear - will have


1. would offer 

2. were 

3. wouldn't have - didn't work

1. dont learn

will be

2. recycle

will reduce

3. hear

will have

4. would offer

5. was

6. wouldnt have

didnt work

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