I - Complete the sentences with the corect forms of the words provided 1) The Muong are well known for the ... of their traditional songs. (rich) 2) The exhibition shows the ... of different cultural groups. (diverse) 3) There are always regional ... in every country. (differ) 4) Most ethnic peoples live in the ... regions in the north. (mountain) II - Choose the best answer to complete the sentences 1) The 54 ethnic peoples of Vietnam are ... , but they live peacefully. (similar, strange, diverse, unlike) 2) A ger can be ... pulled down than a house. (easier, easily, more easily, much easily) 3) Among the ethnic ... ,the Odu people have the smallest population. (majorities, minorities, cultures, costumes) 4) ... is the most beautiful costume of all? (What do you think, which do you think, what you think, which you think) 5) Vietnam is a ... country with 54 ethnic groups. (ethnic, bi lingual, bi cultural, multi cultural)

1 câu trả lời

1. Richness




II. 1 diverse

 2. Easier

3. Minorities

4. Which do you think

5. Multicultural