I. Complete the sentences, using the words and phrases given. You can add some words and make changes. 1. The major cause/ water pollution/ Vietnam/ be the weakness in industrial wastewater management. 2. Many factories/ use fresh water/ carry away waste/ their plants/ canals, rivers, and lakes. 3. Most/ them/ not have a wastewater treatment system. 4. Another cause/ water pollution in Vietnam/ be the lack/ awareness among citizens. 5. Every day people/ generate a/ of garbage,/ they throw it directly into canals, river,/ponds.

1 câu trả lời

1. The major cause of water pollution in Vietnam is the weakness in industrial wastewater management.

2. Many factories used fresh water to carry away waste from their plants into canals, rivers, and lakes.

3. Most of them did not have a wastewater treatment system.

4. Another cause of water pollution in Vietnam was the lack of awareness among citizens.

5. Every day people generated a lot of garbage and they threw it directly into canals, rivers, and ponds. 

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