I. Combine each pair of sentences to make one sentence 1. We won't hold the festival. It costs too much money. (If) 2. The tortoise was running. The hare was sleeping. (While) 3. The girl worked hard. Her stepmother wasn't happy. (Although) 4. The Buffalo-fighting Festival took place in Do Son last Saturday. There were so many people. (Because) II. Rewrite sentences 1. A lion can run 100km/hr while a horse can run 80km/hr. (Fast) 2. They are both good at speaking English, but Hung speaks better than Nam. (badly) 3. The Eagle team performed more successfully than the Tiger team. (successfully) => The Tiger team performed ...

2 câu trả lời

1. We won't hold the festival if it costs too much money.

2. The tortoise was running while the hare was sleeping.

3. Although the girl worked hard, her stepmother wasn't happy.

4. Because the Buffalo-fighting Festival took place in Do Son last Saturday, there were so many people.

1. A lion can run faster than a horse.

2. Nam speaks worse than Hung.

3. The Tiger team performed less successful than the Eagle team


1. If the festival didn't cost too much money, we would hold it. (điều kiện 2)

2. The tortoise was running while the hare was sleeping

3. Although the girl worked hard, her stepmother wasn't happy

4. Because the Buffalo-fighting Festival took place in Do Son last Saturday, there were so many people


1. A lion can run faster than a horse.

2. Hung doesn't speak English as badly as Nam though they are both good at speaking English.

3. The Tiger team didn't perform as successfully as the Eagle team.