I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank 1. “Romeo and Juliet” (is written / wrote / was written / written) by Shakespeare. 2. Those toys were (make / made / making / to make) of wood. 3. I am excited (to join / join / joining / joined) in the trip around the Capital. 4. People recycle used things (save / to save / saving / for save) the natural resources. 5. It’s hard (believe / to believe / believed/ believing) that mankind might live on the moon. 6. A new stadium (will build / will be building / will be built / is built) next year. 7. It’s too cold outside. (Would you like to shut the windows / Will you shut the windows, please / Shall I shut the windows / Can I shut the windows)? – Sure. I’ll do it right now. 8. Milk (will be brought / is bring / is brought / has been brought) to the houses by the milkman every day. 9. Arabic (speaks / is speaking / speaking / is spoken) by the people of Syria and Iraq. 10. Should we go out tonight? – I’m afraid not. It’s (easy for / hard to / easy to / will be easy to) catch a cold. 11. One ton of (recycling / recycled / recycle / to recycle) paper saves approximately eight trees. 12. Those vases were made from (using / use / used / to use) glass. 13. Milk bottles can be (recycled / thrown away / broken / reused) after being cleaned. 14. The following instructions are for (reusing / recycling / reworking / repaying) old newspapers. 15. We can reuse the plastic bottles after they are washed (with / by / in / on) water. 16. Drink cans are brought back to the factory (for / to / in / of) recycling. 17. We need to do something to prevent people (from / away / off / for) cutting trees. 18. (In / On / From / With) industry, most glass is recycled. 19. People throw ____ billions of cans every year all ____ the world. (away-over / away-in / out-over / off-in) 20. There must be a deposit (on / in / of / with) all drink cans.

2 câu trả lời

1, was written

2, made

3, to join

4, to save

5, to believe

6, will be built

7, Can I shut the windows, please ?

8, is brought

9, is spoken

10, easy to

11, recycling

12, using

13, recycled

14, reusing

15, by

16, for

17, for

18, from

19, away - in

20, on

1. was written

2. made

3. to join

4. to save

5. to believe

6. will be built

7. Can I shut the windows, please ?

8. is brought

9. is spoken

10. easy to

11. recycling

12. using

13. recycled

14. reusing

15. by

16. for

17. for

18. from

19. away - in

20. on

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